School of Integrated Living Earthaven Eco-Village Asheville, NC

The School of Integrated Living (SOIL) is a small school with big intentions. SOIL’s mission is to inspire and empower people to live responsible and creative lives by providing experiential education in integrated living and regenerative systems. SOIL implements its mission through education programs ranging from one-day intensives and weekend workshops to multi-week, residential service-learning immersions.  SOIL's residential programs take place at the farms and neighborhood homesteads within and near Earthaven Ecovillage, a 20-year old intentional community an hour outside of Asheville, North Carolina. This village and farming community is the ideal living laboratory for a whole-life skills curriculum- --a place to see regenerative systems in practice, food production in action, and community living on an up-close and personal level. SOIL’s curriculum is designed to put students in touch with a dynamic and alive type of learning that results in nature connection, inner awareness, interpersonal skills, economic literacy, community building, food security and cultural resiliency. SOIL participants walk away with a unique "Whole-Life Skills Tool Bag": a collection of concrete skills, habits, mindsets and approaches to improve their wellbeing and effectiveness as a conscious community citizen.  SOIL’s offerings have included and are currently: Weekend Grief Ritual with Sobonfu Some (Upcoming: Nov 2015) Five day-long Building Resiliency Series (Upcoming: Jul 11-Aug 8, 2014) Six-week residential Farm and Ecovillage Immersion (Upcoming: July 4-Aug 16, 2014) Custom designed Group Educational Tours