Wild Intelligence Athens, GA

Smoked Hides

Wild Intelligence

Based in Athens, GA, our mission at Wild Intelligence is to care for the earth and our children by awakening and strengthening our connections to nature, community and self.

Our experiential approach to education develops the whole human being, emphasizing curiosity and play, adventure and wandering, storytelling and ancestral skills, community and self-discovery.

We offer summer and school-year programs for children and adults. Want connection? Ready for a real adventure? Come join us on the journey.


Year of the Coyote: Adult Nature Connection & Community Intensive Program

Imagine it: a community of adults gathering together regularly for a year, to become at home -- on earth and in community.  We offer a wide sampling of topics in nature connection and community. Topics include primitive survival skills (such as fire, shelter, edible and medicinal plants), nature connection skills (such as sensory awareness, bird language, scout games, and tracking), andcommunity building and interpersonal skills (such as conscious communication, listening, and peacemaking).  All this (and more) await 12 adult students each year.